
Friday, June 27, 2014

Life So Far...

So since I've graduated college I have probably put in upwords of 100 applications. At first part of me felt like the companies weren't getting them or I was doing something wrong. Why do all of these people hate my applications. Only a couple weeks ago my mom helped me out and got me the email of a coworkers friend who is a graphic designer. I sent her my resume and portfolio, thinking, like the last people I contacted personally that she would just never get back to me. My luck had changed! She contacted me back and she liked my portfolio. So I'm not crazy, graphic design is just a really hard field to get started in. I know I'll probably have better luck once the college kids go back to school in August. Maybe I can get an internship or a starting position.

So after gaining a little confidence about my designs, I have opened my own Etsy Store and started freelancing. If you want any work done you can visit my Thumbtack Page. I have sent in my first quote it was scary and I'm not sure that I will win the bid but it felt good to have a chance.

In other news I got my first ever filling today. It hadn't formed in to a full on cavity yet but it was on it's way. I've also never had Novocaine before. Talk about a weird sensation having half of your face tingly and numb. Then in one fast sweeping movement I gained all of the feeling back and my jaw and tooth is quite sore. Why not do I have to get a cavity. This sucks...oh and I have to go back in on July 11th to get the other side done.

So let's see...anything else. I can't wait for the 4th of July. Not for the fireworks or the drinking, ok a little for the drinking, but I'm excited to do something other than apply for jobs. I know that probably doesn't sound that tiring but it's more mundane and boring. Well stay tuned for another recipe!

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