
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Construction Weekend with Great Food

So this weekend was insane and crazy. Starting early Thursday morning I headed over to the beach house on Vashon Island. This is our second home right on the waters edge of the Puget Sound. Below is a picture of the view, straight out is dash point and Federal Way, to the right is the port of Tacoma and to the left is the Des Moines marina.
Disclaimer: The panorama makes the mainland look miles away it's much closer.

So this house is very much a never ending project. There is a laundry room that is just a hole in the wall. Part of the deck railing is rotten. There is just never ending projects but we love our little money pit. Anyway this last weekend my parents and I decided we were going to work on the deck. I knew this was going to be a tough weekend.

First thing we did was get all of the wood down to the beach. Now the parking lot is a good 10 minute walk to the house and that's only carrying normal bags. We had to bring all of the lumber down to the house, that was a giant pain. thankfully we were able to drive the truck down onto the beach for the bulk of the lumber. The rest we carried by hand...yeah it sucked...and it was 80 degrees on top of that...

Next we had to get all of the demolition done. We went though and pulled out all of the rotten pieces of wood and developed a plan. That took 1 day.

Day 2, we started replacing the few structural boards that needed to be replaced. The structure was all we got home on Friday. And because I talk about food we had taco salad that night.

Day 3, we started bright and early and really sore again Saturday morning. We worked on doing a little more deconstruction and assembling the railing. This night I homemade meatballs with the Swedish gravy from Ikea. I'll post that recipe later cause they turned out delicious.

Day 4, Sunday we had a little slower start because after 4 days we didn't want to work anymore. The last of the projects were beginning. We started reassembling the rest of the railing. We called it quits at about 1:30 and 90% of the railing was done. There still isn't a top and we want to do more now that we're done.

Here is a picture of the delicious sandwich we ate to celebrate the end of the weekend.

Ham and turkey, with avocado, cheese, mayo, and lettuce! and Mimosas to top!

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