
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Construction Weekend with Great Food

So this weekend was insane and crazy. Starting early Thursday morning I headed over to the beach house on Vashon Island. This is our second home right on the waters edge of the Puget Sound. Below is a picture of the view, straight out is dash point and Federal Way, to the right is the port of Tacoma and to the left is the Des Moines marina.
Disclaimer: The panorama makes the mainland look miles away it's much closer.

So this house is very much a never ending project. There is a laundry room that is just a hole in the wall. Part of the deck railing is rotten. There is just never ending projects but we love our little money pit. Anyway this last weekend my parents and I decided we were going to work on the deck. I knew this was going to be a tough weekend.

First thing we did was get all of the wood down to the beach. Now the parking lot is a good 10 minute walk to the house and that's only carrying normal bags. We had to bring all of the lumber down to the house, that was a giant pain. thankfully we were able to drive the truck down onto the beach for the bulk of the lumber. The rest we carried by hand...yeah it sucked...and it was 80 degrees on top of that...

Next we had to get all of the demolition done. We went though and pulled out all of the rotten pieces of wood and developed a plan. That took 1 day.

Day 2, we started replacing the few structural boards that needed to be replaced. The structure was all we got home on Friday. And because I talk about food we had taco salad that night.

Day 3, we started bright and early and really sore again Saturday morning. We worked on doing a little more deconstruction and assembling the railing. This night I homemade meatballs with the Swedish gravy from Ikea. I'll post that recipe later cause they turned out delicious.

Day 4, Sunday we had a little slower start because after 4 days we didn't want to work anymore. The last of the projects were beginning. We started reassembling the rest of the railing. We called it quits at about 1:30 and 90% of the railing was done. There still isn't a top and we want to do more now that we're done.

Here is a picture of the delicious sandwich we ate to celebrate the end of the weekend.

Ham and turkey, with avocado, cheese, mayo, and lettuce! and Mimosas to top!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Low Carb Carbonara

So my family and I have been doing a low-carb diet. My mom and I both have thyroid issues which in result screws with out weight and cholesterol. To help lower the entire families cholesterol and just to eat healthier in general we've been substituting our pasta with spaghetti squash.
Here is another one of these fabulous Pinterest recipes with a low-carb twist. Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Carbonara. Ever since I've visited Italy in 2008 and again in 2012, I have been hooked on Carbonara. But as you all know Italy is carb central, you can't go anywhere and not eat 300lbs of carbs.


  • Spaghetti Squash
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 Small Head of Cauliflower
  • 2 Cup of Mushrooms
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • 3 Cups of Bacon
  • Olive Oil
  • Garlic
  1. Start the Spaghetti Squash, bake at 375 for 60-75 minutes.
  2. While waiting for this I use the George Foreman grill to cook the bacon because it's easier.
  3. Start to roast the cauliflower and mushroom in a large skillet, let these cook covered with garlic and olive oil for about 20 minutes, or until the cauliflower and mushrooms are soft. 
  4. Cut spaghetti squash in half and discard the seeds. Use a fork to scrape out the squash and add it to the pan with the cauliflower and mushrooms. add the bacon (chopped) and place on high heat.
  5. Mix the squash and other vegetables. Open up a spot in the center and break the eggs into the middle of the pan. Let the eggs cook just a little then start to mix the egg into the squash.
  6. Turn off heat once eggs are moist but not fully cooked. Top with Parmesan cheese and serve.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vibrant DIY Stools

So here is another project from 4th of July weekend. My parents own a house on Vashon Island and some of the furniture is getting to be a little old and it being a beach house means that funky colors and hand-me-down furniture is totally cool. I know that you can easily find stools similar to these at places like salvation army, goodwill, and other thrift shops. Even garage sales since its SUMMER!!

Here are some great 80s stools that still have great shape and lines. These stools have been at the house since it was rebuilt in the 1980s. Originally they were a yellowish stain on the seat and white legs. The white and wood was starting to date them. 
So to freshen them up my mom and I painted the legs a bright and cheery teal blue (Picture doesn't show true color.). 
We also sanded the tops and added a thin coat of varnish to seal the tops. This gave us a new look on their legs and a fresh coat on the seat. 
Here is the final DIY...old stools with a new life. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Butter Beer

Here is my attempt at Butter Beer...did I mention I was a nerd. So at the beginning of this summer my family and I went to Universal Studios and of course we spent most of our time at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Which I recommend highly. So obviously there are a few things that you must try when you go. The rides, the candy store, and of course the best part BUTTER BEER.
I know your probably thinking why would I want a hot drink in Florida. First, this is the cold version, and second it is way to delicious to turn down. I will warn you it is defiantly filling, and sweet. It is dessert in a cup.
So I'm going to tell you how to do it with bottled cream soda or homemade. 

Bottled Soda:
  • 2 Tablespoons of Butter Extract
  • 2 Tablespoons of Rum Extract
  • 2 Liters of Cream Soda
Homemade Soda (2.5 gallons):
  • 2.5 Pounds of Cane Sugar
  • 2 Ounces of Vanilla Extract (Gnome Brand)
  • Water
  • 4 Ounces of Butter Extract
  • 4 Ounces of Rum Extract
So I made the home made version but it is only possible if you have a way to carbonate the soda.
Mix all of your ingredients together now for the topping. THE BEST PART!

  • Butterscotch Topping
  • Heavy Whipping Cream
Whip about a quart of heavy whipping cream with about a half of a cup to three quarters of a cup of butterscotch. Use an electric beater to whip it into a fluffy whipped cream. 
Now top the soda with some cream and enjoy!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Penne Pasta With Squash and Sausage

Ok I haven't posted in a while it's been a crazy week. So here is a recipe from last week that I tried. It is penne pasta squash and sausage with red sauce.

  • Penne Pasta
  • Sausage
  • Mini Green and Yellow Squash
  • Mini Zucchini
  • Pesto
  • Organic Crushed Tomatoes
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Parmesan Cheese
What you need to do is start the pasta so that the noodles begin cooking. In a large pan at medium heat add olive oil squash, zucchini, and sausage. Cook ingredients in the pan until squash is tender and the sausage is cooked completely. Once the squash and sausage is cooked add the organic crushed tomatoes. Begin to warm the sauce, while stirring in the tomatoes make sure to add pesto to give the sauce some flavor.
Now to check on the pasta. The noodles should boil for the amount of time mentioned on the package. You want to make sure they are as the Italians would say "al dente" or to the tooth. You don't want the noodles to be too soft because they continue to cook after you shut off the water and add the sauce.

Take the noodles out of the water and add them to another bowl. Top the noodles with the sauce, veggies, and sausage in the other pan. Finally add Parmesan.